Check out this awesome list of activities I have created for soil. Your students will have a blast learning about the different types of soil with these fun experiments. Guaranteed to make learning about soil easy and enjoyable.
If you’re interested, I have a soil unit that will help you teach all about the soil layers and types. It includes 100% editable PowerPoint, Interactive Notebooks, Printables, etc.
I also have an Earth Science bundle that dives into many topics like: Rocks and Minerals, Weathering and Erosion, Soil, and Fossils, you can check out my Bundle below.
Digging Deeper: 10 Groundbreaking Soil Activities!
1. Soil Flaps Activity:
This is a very simple interactive notebook that will help your kids learn the different layers of the soil. They will enjoy coloring and cutting the flaps so that they can write the correct definition of each layer underneath.
2. Notebook Soil Activity:
This is a great soil activity for your students to keep in their notebooks. Your students will have to draw and answer the required questions in order to complete this fun task while learning more about soil.
3. Dirt: The Scoop on Soil (Amazing Science) : Amazon Book
This colorful picture book introduces soil components like humus, clay, silt, sand, and rocks, explains how humus forms from organic material, and shares tips for maintaining soil health.
4. 3D Layers of Soil Activity: By Rockyourhomeschool
In this activity your students will enjoy building their own 3D layers of soil. By simply coloring the diagram to separate the layers then glue the sides together.
5. Sediment Jar Activity: By Raisinglifelonglearners
Kids are always asking questions about how the soil layers form. In this experiment, your students will learn all about the different layers. First, they will have to collect different types of soil. Then they will put it in a jar and add water to it. After it has been set for at least a couple of hours, the kids will be able to see the layers that have been formed.
6. Lego Soil Activity: By Littlebinsforlittlehands
Who doesn’t love legos? This fun activity will be combining the joy of playing with legos while learning more about the soil. The kids will have to group the same colored legos together then start building the layer.
7. Soil Layers’ Desserts Cup: By Teachbesideme
In this fun experiment, your students will be responsible for building the soil layers using candy, jelly, and biscuits so by the end of this experiment they will get to dig it up and eat it.
8. Cake Making Soil Layers: By Teachmemommy
This awesome hands-on experiment is letting your kids bake their own cake. They will decorate it using a variety of chocolate, biscuits, and candy to demonstrate the different soil layers. By the end of this project, they will be able to eat it or share this tasty treat with their loved ones.
9. Play Dough Activity: By Homeschool.Rebeccareid
Play dough is the way to go! This activity a super fun way to get your students to grasp the concept of soil layers. They will pick multiple colors of play dough and label each one to represent a specific soil layer.
10. Soil Erosion Activity: By Lifeisagarden
Let your students be ready to get their hands dirty with this super interactive soil erosion activity. In this experiment, the students will understand the principle of how soil layers works and the importance of having different layers.